A global sigh of relief…

Can you hear it?  Can you feel it? Can you respond to it?

This last year and more has been difficult.  We have had to watch, listen to and bear things in our own lives and around the world that we could never have expected.  And, though we are not out of the woods yet, here we are… maybe bruised, wounded, scarred and grieving, but alive.  In most parts of the world now, there is a sigh of relief and the possibility of opening out into a new way of being, a new way of life, and a new freedom where we find that the sun still shines, the rain still nourishes the land, the dawn still breaks and the night still arrives.  Birds still sing.  The grass still grows. The stars still come out.  And birth and death take their place – as they always have – in the rhythm of life.

Now, we have a time of rebuilding, reflecting, renewing, thinking, re-creating our selves and our world.  Some people may not feel up to that, others are more than ready.  So, let’s leave no one behind.  Let’s still continue to send love and hope and healing around the world, especially to the people in those areas of the world where there is still havoc and chaos. Let’s spare daily thoughts, meditation and prayer for those who are sick whether in mind, body or soul; those who are finding it hard to forgive and move on; those who are too fatigued and hurt to even contemplate rebuilding…

We may yet have to face setbacks, distractions, frustrations, uncertainties and disappointments.  But we can still find joy in a sunset, birdsong or a sweet smile – and the possibility of happiness and contentment is still there though we may have to look for it. Let’s be mindful in every moment of the sometimes tiny things that can have great positive impact on our mood and our lives.

Let us all be willing to do whatever we can for the common good, to help create and maintain a sense of welcome and belonging for all humanity and to help instil and increase a sense of inner security for everyone.

Every one of us is sharing this moment.  Every one of us has not only a right to be here, but also a mission to fulfil – one that will help enhance our own lives and the lives of everyone else. 

Every one of us is essential to each other’s growth and survival. 

Every one of us has not only a right to be here, but also a mission to fulfil – one that will help enhance our own lives and the lives of everyone else. 

       Every one of us is essential to each other’s growth and survival. Life is still worth living.  Let’s be mindful and let’s move on with every dawn that breaks.

       I hope you have a peaceful day with some gentle sweet surprises.  And that at the end of the day, when you reflect, you can still accept (and truly feel) that life is still worth living…

May 2021

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