H.U.G holdings


Healing & Unlimited Growth

Let us help you find a pathway
to yourself…


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Welcome to H.U.G Holdings.

Welcome to our new site.  We hope you’ll enjoy looking around and being with us here.  And, of course, we are still there on www.brendadavies.com too, and our two sites are linked.  This new site will deal with the more creative and businessy aspects of Brenda’s work, while Brenda Davies online, the School and the Forum along with issues for students, graduates and clients will remain mainly on our mother site.  There will be some duplication so that you can find what you want when you arrive and if necessary, we will link you across to where you can find more details.  Since every moment counts and we never get this moment again… we aim to help us all streamline and save precious time by utilising it more wisely. You will be able to catch up with our calendar, see what Brenda is up to, what she’s creating now and how our world is expanding, find a workshop or event you’d like to attend, or a book or something you’d like to order.

Brenda hopes you’ll enjoy our baobab trees. These are very special to her and symbolise amazing growth and spectacular regrowth after they have been wounded.  Did you know that a baobab, which can live for thousands of years, can heal and regenerate its bark? Sometimes they look rather like a candle that has been lit several times and has solidified flows of wax, layer upon layer. And even though wounded, they just go on becoming more beautiful.  That’s a possibility for all of us.  We hope that coming here and seeing them will remind you of your beauty no matter what has happened in your life. You’re all beautiful to us.

Our hope is that we can help you move beyond what you thought was possible and realise potential you haven’t even touched yet. We wish you healing and unlimited growth and hope that we can help hold you in a kind, understanding and gentle place while you are on your journey to becoming the best you can be.  So, once again – Welcome!

Healing & Unlimited Growth

We hope that coming here and seeing them will remind you of your beauty no matter what has happened in your life.

You’re all beautiful to us.

H.U.G Holdings Mission Statement.

‘To utilise our skills and work creatively to serve and inspire, promoting personal growth and peaceful change in the world.’

Brenda really loves to enter into a healing partnership with everyone who comes to work with her.

Though she always says that she treats people and not symptoms, nevertheless, symptoms are always a good place to start. 

About Brenda

Find out more about Brenda and her work, as well as more information on services.

Shop books and products

A range of products including books, audio files and courses as part of your journey. 


Since the Covid crisis, Brenda is working only online. You will see below details of up-coming courses, seminars etc. 

The Hummingbird Stone

Brenda has always had a thing about hummingbirds, (as well as baobab trees!). Some years ago, a native American woman gave her a beautiful polished stone carved with a perfect hummingbird in flight. She has treasured it ever since, along with the legend the woman who made it shared with her… The Taino Native American people believe that hummingbirds were once small flies, but that Aguebaba, the Sun Father, transformed them into tiny birds that would be fearless, protect their homeland and those they love with the heart of an eagle and symbolise the spreading of life on earth. So, perhaps, not surprisingly, the title of her new novel is The Hummingbird Stone. Watch this space!

H.U.G Holdings.

Donec quis interdum elit. Duis maximus efficitur sem vel auctor. Maecenas quis orci sed erat dignissim lacinia vitae ac urna. Donec quis interdum elit. Duis maximus efficitur sem vel auctor. Maecenas quis orci sed erat dignissim Donec quis interdum elit. Duis maximus efficitur sem vel auctor. Maecenas quis orci sed erat dignissim lacinia vitae ac urna. Donec quis interdum elit.

Online with Brenda…

Since the Covid crisis, Brenda is working only online. You will see below details of up-coming courses, seminars etc. 

And should you wish to have an individual consultation online with Brenda, or should you wish to have Brenda speak at an event you may be planning, please get in touch. 

Understanding the language of our symptoms

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Creating Prosperity
in all of
its forms

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Gearing up your Life Kickstarting your Creativity

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Our other services…

Individual sessions
Brenda does one-to-one sessions online. Although she avoided online work for years, she has found that this works well around the world and is loving working with people on every continent. For details, please contact Tara.

Couples work
If you’re having difficulties in your relationship and would like a safe place to discuss what’s going on and look at how you could change things for the better, then, please contact Tara for details.

Mentoring and supervision

This is something that Brenda loves doing.  She usually sees people once a month online, so please feel free to contact Tara if you’re interested.

Anything else you want?  Please just ask – we may be able to help…

Healing and unlimited growth

Our other services…

Individual sessions
Brenda does one-to-one sessions online. Although she avoided online work for years, she has found that this works well around the world and is loving working with people on every continent. For details, please contact Tara.

Couples work
If you’re having difficulties in your relationship and would like a safe place to discuss what’s going on and look at how you could change things for the better, then, please contact Tara for details.

Mentoring and supervision

This is something that Brenda loves doing.  She usually sees people once a month online, so please feel free to contact Tara if you’re interested.

Anything else you want?  Please just ask – we may be able to help…

Something to think about…

Peace in our time… A way forward

Peace in our time… A way forward

It appears that we are at a very difficult moment for our world and potentially for all the beautiful people here on this planet. And though peace should ideally be on our daily agenda no matter what is happening in the world, perhaps more now than ever in recent...

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Turning points…

Turning points…

Every moment has within it the potential to create a turning point in our lives, and being aware of that and prepared for it when it comes, is, for me, an exciting ongoing challenge, mystery, joy – an unfolding of time and possibility… a moment when the things become...

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Your life jacket knows which way is up…

Your life jacket knows which way is up…

I know I’ve written about this before – it’s in one of my books, though I can’t remember which at the moment.  So please forgive me if I’m boring you. About twenty years ago, I was going canoeing on the Zambezi River.  It was a fairly clear and peaceful stretch, but...

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Inspirational Leadership and Responsible Communication.‘This was a very inspiring course - a great mixture of theory, examples, exercises and discussion. And as usual, Brenda's wonderful way of delivering the things, as well as the atmosphere in the group, made it very special. Nowhere else you will find anything similar, and I am so happy that I could attend THIS course.

S.R. Germany

‘This was a fantastic course in leadership and good communication. Each module was exciting and balanced in theory, exercises, examples and discussions. The atmosphere was very motivating and inspiring thanks to Brenda's unique art. For me, it was very special to have a combination of the spiritual aspects in leadership together with theory. The course motivated me to work even more on myself and reflect positively on my motivation and my life.’

L.L, Germany.

‘What makes this course unique for us is Brenda’s genuine role model in all forms of communication.’

 V.L. Germany

‘Brenda’s living example, helps me see the world as a supportive matrix and thus in an optimistic and hopeful way. Thanks, Brenda for sharing your leadership skills with us.’

M.D. Germany

Get in touch today 

Contact Us



Suite 2 Sigma House
Hadley Park East
Telford, Shropshire